Heidi L. Hoefer, DVM, DABVP
Adjunct Professor, Avian and Exotic Animal Medicine
Dr. Heidi Hoefer received her DVM from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine in 1987. Following a small animal internship at the Animal Medical Center in New York City, Dr. Hoefer completed a residency in avian and exotic pet medicine and surgery at the AMC. She was a staff veterinarian in the exotics department at AMC until 1997 when she went into private practice. She currently is the owner of an avian and exotics practice in New York. Dr. Hoefer has been practicing avian and exotic medicine exclusively since 1988. She has been teaching at RUSVM since 2009 and is a mentor to the ZEW and Avian Clubs, and provides veterinary care for the birds in the school aviary and wet lab teaching for the club students.
Biology, Colorado State University (BSc)
Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
Diplomate, American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, Avian Specialty since 1993
Formation of an ABVP recognized Avian Residency program at the Animal Medical Center, 1993, and at Island Exotic Veterinary Care 2003. Training and Mentorship of 10 post-graduate avian and exotic resident veterinarians, all of whom achieved board-certification.
Owner and Founder of Island Exotic Veterinary Care, New York’s first exclusively bird and exotic pet hospital, established 2007.
Publication Highlights:
Hoefer HL: Ferrets: Gastrointestinal disease. In Quesenberry KE, Mans, C and Orcutt, CO (Eds): Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery. 4rd Edition. Philadelphia, Elsevier, in press.
Hoefer HL, Levitan D: Perforating foreign body in the ventriculus of an umbrella cockatoo (Cacatua alba) J Avian Med Surg, 27(2): 128-135, 2013.
Hoefer HL: Management of gastrointestinal tract foreign bodies in pet birds. Exotic DVM 7.3: 24-27, 2005
Stefanacci JD, Hoefer HL: Radiology and Ultrasound. In Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW (Eds): Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery. 2nd Edition. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2004.
Hess L, Bartick T, Hoefer H: Clostridium tertium infection in a Moluccan cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis) with megacolon. 12(1):30-35, 1998.
Washko RM, Hoefer H, Kiehn TE, Armstrong D, Dorsinville G, Frieden TR: Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in a green-winged macaw (Ara chloroptera): report with public health implications. J Clin Microbiol 36(4):1101-2, 1998.
Antinoff N, Hoefer HL, Rosenthal KL, Bartick TE: Smooth muscle neoplasia of suspected oviductal origin in the cloaca of a Blue-Fronted Amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva). J Avian Med Surg 11(4):268-272, 1997.
Caplan ER, Peterson ME, Mullen HS, Quesenberry KE, Rosenthal KL, Hoefer HL, Moroff SD: Diagnosis and treatment of insulin-secreting pancreatic islet cell tumors in ferrets: 57 cases (1986-1994). J Am Vet Med Assoc 209(10):1741-5, 1996.
Kiehn TE, Hoefer H, Bottger EC, Ross R, Wong M, Edwards F, Antinoff N, Armstrong D: Mycobacterium genavense infections in pet animals. J Clin Microbiol 34(7):1840-2, 1996.