Service Animal FAQ

Frequently asked questions around service animals on campus and how to get in touch with the Office of Student Disability Services.

Q. What are service animals?

A. Service animals are defined as dogs or miniature horses that have been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.


Q. What does “work or task” mean?

A. “Work or task” refers to the specific action that the dog or miniature horse is trained to do to assist the person with a disability. The task must be directly related to the person’s disability. Service animals are working animals, not pets.


Q. How is a service animal different than an emotional support, comfort, companion, or therapy animal?

A. Emotional support, comfort, companion, and therapy dogs or miniature horses are not considered service animals as these animals have not been trained to perform a specific job or task as it directly relates to an individual’s disability.


Q. Is it required that a student register their service animal with their college or university? 

A. It is not required that a student register a service animal with the Office of Student Disability Services to bring a service animal into a public place, such as a college or university. 


Q. What does Ross Vet look for in their applicants and how can I be a better applicant for the DVM program?

A. We take a holistic approach to admissions. While we do consider your GPA, GRE, and academic performance when making an admissions decision, we look at much more: your knowledge of the veterinary profession, personal character, interpersonal skills, motivation, exposure to animal medicine, and other qualities.

We do kindly ask that students notify the Office of Student Disability Services if they plan to bring a service animal to campus to best assist in the transition to island with an animal and to provide any necessary support. Again, it is not required. 


Q. What happens if the animal is out of control? 

A. It is the student’s responsibility to care for and supervise their service animal. Please contact the Office of Student Disability Services and/or your campus Accommodations Liaison right away should there be a concern onsite. 


Q. How can a service animal be safely included in labs or other practical environments? 

A. Students should be allowed to bring their service animals to lab and other practical environments. There are a variety of strategies to ensure that a service animal will be safe in these environments. If a lab or practical environment is considered a safety hazard, the Office of Student Disability Services may work with faculty or staff to determine options on a case-by-case basis. The proper first step is to contact the Office of Student Disability Services immediately for support and direction. 


Q. Are service animals allowed in places on campus where food is being served? 

A. Service animals are permissible in public spaces where all students are allowed access including salad bars, buffets, and food service lines. 



General Inquiries or Questions: 
Office of Student Disability Services

Student Complaints or Escalations: 
Office of Equity and Access

A classroom demonstration for students in white coats

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