Two students giving a dog a physical
Veterinarian checking a dog's heartbeat with a stethoscope

Ross Vet Tuition and Fees

Invest in your future.

Your Future in the World of Veterinary Medicine

No matter where you attend vet school, your tuition and costs will be a substantial investment. This is an investment toward your future in veterinary medicine—from the moment you step foot on St. Kitts, to everything you aspire to do after. 


Tuition Policy On Failed Courses

If you fail any course in any semester, you will be required to repeat that course and will be charged for it. If you are currently in a remedial semester and are required to repeat courses that you have passed previously, you are eligible for a tuition waiver up to a maximum of 50% of the cost of the Ross Vet school tuition. Questions relating to this policy should be directed to the Office of Student Finance.

Tuition Refund Policy For Withdrawals

A withdrawal occurs when your enrollment is permanently discontinued or, in some cases,  temporarily interrupted (see Note below). A withdrawal may be official (when you notify the Dean in writing) or unofficial (without written notification). The effective date of withdrawal is normally your last date of attendance.

If you withdraw, Ross Vet's handling of tuition and charges corresponds with federal loan eligibility regulations, which are based on the period attended.

If you are a new student and withdraw prior to the start of the first semester, no tuition charges are due.

If you are a continuing student and withdraw prior to the start of a semester, no tuition/charges are due.

If you withdraw during the first 60% of a semester, your Ross Vet school tuition and related charges are directly prorated based on the portion of the semester that has elapsed. Your student loan eligibility is recalculated, and you and Ross Vet are each proportionally responsible for returning “unearned” Federal Direct loans to lenders. In addition to the lender returns required by federal regulations, with your authorization, Ross Vet returns any remaining credit balance to lenders, decreasing your loan debt for that semester.

If you withdraw after the first 60% of a semester, your full tuition/charges remain due.

Note: Although a leave of absence may be authorized in limited circumstances, failure to return to the University from a leave of absence is considered a withdrawal as of the last date of attendance. Please note that a leave of absence and an academic leave of absence are two different statuses. Refer to the section on Academic Policies in the Student Handbook for a full explanation on an Academic Leave of Absence.

How Much Does Vet School Cost?

Vet school tuition varies by institution and can be obtained by checking the website information at each of your applicable schools. 

We encourage you to review the tuition and fees for Ross Vet above or by downloading our tuition and fees PDF. Please note your cost of living and variable expenses will vary.

Is Financial Aid Available For Vet School Tuition?

Financial aid options are available for vet school tuition. Get help paying for vet school by filling out your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®).

Financial aid is available for Ross University vet school tuition for students who apply and qualify. FAFSA® funding is available for US attendees and provincial loans are available for Canadian students (based on individual provincial amounts). 

FAFSA® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Education.

Can I use Federal Direct Loans?

Yes. Qualified vet school students are eligible to apply for US federal direct loans.

How Can I Make a Payment?

We have several payment methods available. Please review the options below.

Pay Online

  1. Log in to My Ross Vet (Google Chrome™ is the preferred browser)
  2. Select Account Overview on the left-side menu
  3. Select the View Your Payments & Charges link on the right
  4. You will be rerouted to the Financial Payment Gateway
  5. Click on the Make a Payment button and follow the prompts

Pay by Wire Transfer

For international students, Ross Vet has partnered with PayMyTuition by MTFX for a convenient way to transfer funds. Follow the step-by-step instructions to make your payment by transfer or credit card before the transfer date.


Pay by Sending a Check in the Mail

If you would prefer to pay your bill by mail, please make your check, money order, or traveler’s check payable to Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine and mail it to the address below. Payments must be in U.S. dollars and drawn from a U.S. bank. Payment must be signed and include your student ID.

Overnight Address:

Bank of America Lockbox Services
Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine 7515
540 W. Madison, 4th Floor
Chicago, IL 60661

Standard Mailing Address:

Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
PO Box 74007515
Chicago, IL 60674-7515

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