Animal expert showing a group of children a sea turtle
Veterinarian showing students a sea turtle

Information For Parents

RUSVM Preparatory School


Parents are an integral part of the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (RUSVM) Preparatory School community. As the most important educators in children's lives, they lay the foundation for the character education we incorporate into our curriculum. The partnership between the prep school and our families is vital for student success and we are grateful for the valuable role parents to play in our community.

Feedback on your experiences with our school's parent programs and activities helps us continue to meet the changing needs of this dynamic school. Please contact the Interim Superintendent, at, or call 869-465-4161 x 4011133 with your comments and suggestions.


  • Understand and support the school’s mission and beliefs.
  • Are positive role models and life-long learners.
  • Seek to understand Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences and how it applies to their children.
  • Recognize the dignity of each individual and work with the school and their children to embrace cultural diversity.
  • Send their children to school ready to learn, on time, and with attention to their physical and mental health, including support of nutritious meals.
  • Take an active interest in what is happening in their children’s classroom.
  • Are aware of their children’s academic strengths and celebrate them.
  • Are aware of their children’s challenges and problem areas and help seek solutions to both.
  • Read all written communication sent home or received via email.
  • Are supportive of the school guidelines and rules.
  • Schedule vacations and time off island during the regularly scheduled Ross breaks so that their children do not miss school.
  • Provide a quiet space at home for reading and daily academic time and develop and maintain their children’s first language if English is a second language.
  • Are available at homework time for questions.
  • Work to realize the balance between helping extend learning via homework and letting the child do the work independently.
  • Are involved in the school and take time to share that interest by communicating with teachers, administration, and PTA regularly.


Sun Protection

Because the children are in the intense sun whenever they are outside in the Caribbean, please be reminded of the importance to assure your children are protected with sunscreen when they arrive at school. Then, if they have a container of sunscreen (with name clearly on it) and keep it at school, it can be reapplied throughout the day. It is also recommended that children’s eyes and heads be protected with sunglasses and hats. Please have a specific plan for offering the best protection possible for your children. We will certainly do our part to support you.

School Hours

The school day at the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (RUSVM) Preparatory School begins at 8:00 a.m. Students should not arrive before 7:30 a.m. Students will walk with their teacher in class groups from their classroom to the library for assembly. They need to be in their places by 8:00 a.m.

Being punctual is an important part of being successful in school and in life. The beginning of the day sets the pace for the remainder of the day and parents are encouraged to have their children at school on time.

The school day at the RUSVM Preparatory School ends at 3:00 p.m. Daycare and preschool children must be picked up promptly at 3:00 p.m. Students from kindergarten through 8th grade may remain for, or if required for, after school activities and clubs but must be picked up before 5:00 p.m. After care is provided for students who are not registered for clubs or after school activities, specifically K-8 children of parents who are in classes or labs in the afternoon, from 3:10 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Parents must notify their student's teacher if their child is ill on a school day and will not be in attendance. Children with colds and communicable illnesses should be kept home for their best interest as well as that of the other students. See document on Exclusion Periods for Illness at the end of this document.

After School Program

The RUSVM Preparatory School offers an after school program designed specifically for the K-8 children of parents who are in classes or labs in the afternoon, from 3:10 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Children in the after school program must stay with the teacher in charge. At no time may children remain at the school after 5:00 p.m. unless their parents are supervising. Please do not ask your children to meet you anywhere other than at the prep school.

If children in daycare through preK are staying beyond 3:10 please ensure that you have signed up on the after school sheet in their room.  This will allow for adequate staffing.  If someone other than the parent is picking up a child from this room, they should only do so as they are leaving campus. No one other than the child’s parent may take daycare-preK children outside to play after school.

The RUSVM Preparatory School will attempt to offer a variety of activities after school, which students may sign up for including various sports, arts, and music lessons. In some instances, a fee may be charged, which is paid to the person offering the activity.

If students plan to leave campus with anyone other than a parent, the parents must give permission directly to the teacher in charge or a member of the administrative team.

School Attendance

Research indicates that a child gains most when he or she is in attendance at school on a daily basis and interacts with other students during the learning process. Regular attendance is important to success in school and establishes good work habits and self-discipline. School policy requires students to attend all scheduled classes each day unless there is a valid reason for the absence. If your child will not be in school, please notify the teacher as soon as possible. Keeping children out of school for reasons other than ill health is strongly discouraged.

Vacations and time off island should be arranged during the weeks when school is not in session.

Early Dismissal

If it is necessary for a student to leave early, the parent must arrange this with school administration or the student must bring a written request from the parent or guardian to school. The following information should be included with the request:

  1. Student name.
  2. Time of dismissal.
  3. Time of return.
  4. Reason for request.
  5. Signature of parent/guardian.

We ask that you to make medical and dental appointments after school hours, on weekends, or on mid-semester break days whenever possible.

Student Absences

Parents must notify the school in writing at least five school days in advance of a student expecting to be absent for an extended period of time (i.e., more than two days). Make-up work will be assigned at that time. All make-up work is to be completed prior to the student’s return to school.

When a student has missed school, the teacher will determine what, if any, work needs to be made up. Deadlines will be given and parents are encouraged to work closely with their children in getting the work completed and turned-in in a timely manner. 

Drinks & Snacks

Students will have a snack break in the morning. During this time students are allowed snacks brought from home. Parents are encouraged to send healthy snacks (fruit, crackers, granola bars, etc.).


A catered lunch option is provided to students at a minimal cost on selected days each week. Students may also bring a bag lunch if they choose. A monthly sign-up sheet will be sent home.

General Dress Regulation

Appropriate dress and grooming is expected in an effort to provide a safe, healthy, orderly, and positive environment. Students are expected to come to school in appropriate attire for classroom learning.

  • RUSVM Preparatory School requirement is a prep school shirt and khaki pants, skirt, or moderate length shorts.
  • Hats and other belongings with profanity or advertisements of tobacco, alcohol, or violence are prohibited.
  • Hats may not be worn inside the school building.
  • If a student is not dressed appropriately for school, he/she will be asked to change clothing. 
Parent-Teacher Association

The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is the official organization of school volunteers. The PTA provides volunteer opportunities to teachers and parents and serves as an advocacy group to support students and staff. The PTA works closely with the superintendent of the prep school.


In most situations, in the case of an emergency situation (hurricane or other natural disaster/threat/fire) the prep school will follow the RUSVM response in regard to continuing with classes or canceling school. There may be times, however, when it is determined that the children should stay at home even if the vet school remains open. Parents will be notified.

The following procedures will be practiced in the case of a fire or emergency drill or an actual emergency:
All windows and doors must be shut.

  • Students will line up and exit the building according to posted directions.
  • Students will walk quickly and will remain together in a designated spot outdoors.
  • Teachers will take their records (laptop or grade book) with them and take role.
  • Everyone should remain quiet with no talking and wait for further instructions.
  • If students are out of their scheduled rooms at the time of the drills, they will get in line with the nearest group and report to the adult in charge.

It is essential for the school to be able to contact a parent or guardian in case of emergency; therefore, it is imperative that we have both office and home phone numbers or the number of a designated neighbor or friend as well as a cell phone that can be used for texting. A map to your home should also be on file with us. Changes of address or phone numbers should be reported to the school immediately following the change.

If parents are going to be off-island and someone else is to be responsible for the children, the Interim Superintendent should be notified in advance even if it is only for a day or two.

If someone other than the parent is going to pick up a child at school, whether, during a normal or emergency situation, the teacher in charge must be notified. It is preferred that, when possible, this is done in writing.


Each fall on the Sunday afternoon prior to the first day of school parents of prep school students are invited to the school to meet the teachers and parents of their children’s classmates. Expectations and plans for the upcoming school year are reviewed with parents, who are later provided an opportunity to tour the classrooms.


A catered lunch option is provided to students at a minimal cost. Students may also bring a bag lunch if they choose.


Measures of Academic Progress
Understanding each student’s academic level gives teachers the power to help them excel. MAP computerized adaptive assessments are the tools that make it possible. It provides educators with detailed information they need to build curriculum and meet their students’ needs, one child at a time. Click Here for more information.


Michelle Phillip-Mitchell
P.O. Box 334
Basseterre, St. Kitts, West Indies
Phone: 869-465-4161 Ext. 401-1133

PTA Facebook

Visit the PTA Facebook Page

Ross Vet campus

We welcome children of all ability, gender, national origin, and race.