RUSVM Library E-Collection
If your RUSVM student email address ended in “” (Class of 2015 onwards)
If your RUSVM student email address ended in “”, then you can use your student credentials to login to our EBSCO Discovery platform and get access to e-books and e-journals held in our library collection. For full instructions on how to access the library, please click here. If you do not remember your credentials, please follow the instructions here.
If your RUSVM student email address ended in “”
Your credentials will need to be re-created and you will be provided with a new student email address (lifetime account) ending in “”. To have your credentials generated, please follow the instructions here. Once you have your new credentials, please use the full instructions on how to access the library to login to the e-collection.
If you never had a RUSVM student email address
Your credentials will need to be created and you will be provided with a student email address (lifetime account) ending in “”. To have your credentials generated, please follow the instructions here. Once you have your new credentials, please use the full instructions on how to access the library to login to the e-collection.
Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine