Ross Vet Celebrates January 2022 Clinical Placement Ceremony

Feb 14, 2022
Students stand in a line at the Clinical Placement Ceremony

For Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (Ross Vet) students, Clinical Placement is an event that is anticipated with equal parts excitement and anxiety. On January 28, 2022, Ross Vet students, joined virtually by friends and family, learned important news about the next step in their academic journey. A group of 141 students gathered at the clinical placement ceremony to find out where they had placed for either a stateside or international clinical rotation.  Ross Vet is one of the few schools that offer students the possibility to complete their clinical year at AVMA-accredited affiliates in the U.S. and internationally. 

“This ceremony is a significant event for our students to support each other and celebrate the news with their friends and family,” said Dr. Erika Little, associate dean for clinical affairs and professional opportunities at Ross Vet. Ross Vet students bring flexibility, adaptability, and ingenuity to their clinical affiliates. As a result of their experience in St. Kitts, our students can adapt to the cultural differences and are resourceful in emergencies.”

Ross Vet students obtain clinical spots at AVMA-accredited clinical affiliates across the globe. This semester’s placements include Cornell University, University College-Dublin, Royal Veterinary College-London, Purdue University, and Tufts University just to name a few.

Clinical Placement occurs at the beginning of the seventh semester.  Ross Vet students identify four clinical affiliates that best match their career goals. During their clinical year, students participate in various rotations to gain clinical experience while remaining enrolled in Ross Vet. The clinical year curriculum is designed to be a series of integrated, consecutively scheduled learning experiences. This group of seventh-semester students faced a learning environment unlike anything we have seen before, completing six semesters of lectures online and in-person labs adapted to accommodate health and safety protocols. Our students are proof of the adaptability and resilience they will bring to their clinical experience.

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